Vertigo and Ear clinic

ENT doctor in jaipur

An ear, nose and throat doctor better known as an ENT doctor is someone who specializes in treating problems related to ear, nose and throat. To be more precise, and ENT doctor is a sub specialty focusing in the anatomy, physiology and the pathology of the ear, nose and throat areas. The ENT doctors are considered to be one of the oldest specialties in the history of medicine. In strictly medical terms they are known as, Otolaryngologist – The Head and Neck Surgeon. These doctors have advanced surgical training in everything related to the head and the neck region, which basically covers the head, neck and the throat.

Treating the major organs like the ear, nose and the throat requires ample amount of experience and skilled hands to operate while in a surgery. Dr. Anita Bhandari's clinic provides you with just the right amount of resources and facilities. Offering you great services of her highly skilled team of ENT doctors, Dr. Anita Bhandari's Vertigo and Ear clinic is your one solution to many problems related to ear, nose and throat. The problems treated here by the ENT doctors greatly vary from frequently recurring ear infections, inflammation of the ear, nose and throat and related areas, allergy and chronic tonsillitis, all types of thyroid, chronic sinusitis, dizziness, and hearing loss, parathyroid disease, to traumatic and cosmetic defects of the face and neck, head and neck cancer, skin cancer and obstructive sleep apnea.

At Dr. Anita Bhandari's Vertigo and ear clinic, the ENT doctors offer a generous hospitality of treating patients of all age groups and even the mildest of details are taken into notice.  Medical problems of the ear, nose, and throat affect all age groups - from little babies to the elderly; so the ENT doctors working at the clinics often have the privilege of treating a whole family's ear, nose, and throat issues. Be it your Baby's ear infections, or Brother's tonsillitis or Dad's allergy and Grandma's hearing loss. Their expertise covers a wide variety of different areas. Gaining their skill and expertise over a long period of rigorous training and practice, these ENT doctors will make you feel like home. Working under the supervised guidance of Dr. Anita Bhandari, these ENT doctors have cured many a number of patients suffering from ear, nose and throat problem. Offering the most modern equipments and technology for the surgery and even the examination of the patients, these ENT doctors working at Dr. Anita Bhandari's Vertigo and Ear clinic have brought smiles to the faces of many families and treated many patients; from babies to the elderly. With an exceptional environment and such a great team of doctors working together, this place is nothing but the healing home.

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