Vertigo and Ear clinic

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Showing posts with label ENT specialist Jaipur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ENT specialist Jaipur. Show all posts

What is BPPV

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, also known as BPPV, is a type of Vertigo which is by far the most common in Vertigo patients.

BPPV is caused by an inner ear issue, & leads patients to feel as if the room around them is spinning & their surroundings are moving even when they are perfectly still.

BPPV is usually not a serious condition, as the term Benign in its name specifies. It is usually triggered by certain head movements, as the term positional in the name suggests. 

BPPV symptoms also hit suddenly & last for short bursts of time, as suggested by the term positional in its name. 

If you have BPPV, you don’t need to worry at all. It is quite a common condition, & can be easily treated by a Vertigo doctor. 

BPPV symptoms often resemble those of other conditions, & can be quite hard to diagnose at first.

BPPV is usually not fatal, unless it increases your chances of falling while performing certain activities like walking, jumping, mountain climbing, driving, weightlifting, etc. 

BPPV Symptoms:

BPPV symptoms occur suddenly, & often makes the patient feel as if they’re spinning, moving, or about to fall down. 

They are often triggered by a change in the position of the head, or any movement that can irritate the position of the calcium crystals misplaced inside the semicircular canal. 

Some of the most common BPPV symptoms include:

  • A feeling of the surroundings spinning or moving,

  • Nausea or vomiting,

  • Motion sickness & general unsteadiness,

  • Lightheadedness & fainting

How to test which ear is affected by BPPV?

  • Sit up on your bed such that your head hangs over the edge when you lie down.

  • Turn your head in the right direction & quickly lie down.

  • Wait a minute before performing the next steps. If you feel dizzy during this time, then it means that your ride sight is affected by BPPV.

  • If no dizziness occurs, sit up, wait for a while, & repeat the test on the left side. 

  • If you feel dizzy when doing the test on your left side, then that means your left side is the one affected by BPPV.

BPPV Causes:

Inside the ear, lie tiny calcium crystals also called otoconia. Sometimes, these crystals can break from their original position inside the middle ear & deposit inside the semicircular canal of the inner ear. 

When this happens, they cause problems with the way the vestibular system located inside the inner ear functions to keep the body’s balance.

These tiny calcium crystals are motion sensitive, thus causing false sensations of motion everytime the patient moves their head in certain ways. 

Many actions can trigger the feelings of BPPV. These include:

  • Rolling over to the side of bed,

  • Getting in & out of bed,

  • Bending during yoga,

  • Tripping your head back during a session at the salon,

  • Performing any activities that require certain specific head movements

BPPV diagnosis:

In order to provide you with an accurate BPPV treatment plan, your doctor will have to diagnose your condition with precision. 

Your doctor will usually ask for a history of your symptoms, & any other illnesses or injuries you have had in the recent past. 

Your doctor will also look for any abnormal eye movements, also called nystagmus. Nystagmus is an undeniable physical symptom of Vertigo, which will pretty much seal your BPPV diagnosis. 

Your doctor will also check if any of your symptoms occur when you move your head in certain ways & directions, another tell-tale sign of BPPV.

If a physical exam is inconclusive, your doctor might also recommend the Electronystagmus test( the ENG test), &/or the Videonystagmoraphy test( the VNG test), along with the MRI test.

BPPV treatments:

Most cases of BPPV episodes are short-lasting in nature, & go away on their own.

BPPV treatments usually focus on reinstating the misplaced calcium crystals in the inner ear back to their original position.

They do this with the help of certain exercises called the canalith repositioning maneuvers, which help move the displaced calcium crystals back to their original position. 

The most common canalith repositioning maneuvers that doctors use to move the displaced calcium crystals back into their original position are:

  • Epley Maneuver: The Epley Maneuver is a very well-known Vertigo exercise that vertigo specialists recommend for BPPV treatment.  The Vertigo exercise involves moving your head in certain directions to help the displaced calcium crystals fall back into their original position.
    The Epley Maneuver is known to be very effective when it comes to long-lasting BPPV treatment. It involves a few very simple steps that you can even carry out at home. Although in the beginning, you will be required to perform the Epley Maneuver under the supervision of a Vertigo specialist. 

  • Semont Maneuver: The Semont maneuver takes about 15 minutes to complete, & involves certain specific head movements similar to the Epley Maneuver.
    Although it is a bit less common than the Epley Maneuver, it has a wide success rate in BPPV treatment, next only to the Epley Maneuver. 

  • Medicines: BPPV treatment also includes various medications like meclizine, diazepam, dramamine, phenergan, & scopolamine. Patients are supposed to take Vertigo medicines along with performing dizziness & vertigo exercises for effective BPPV treatment. 

  • Surgery: In some cases, surgical interventions may be required for effective & long-lasting BPPV treatment. Doctors will aim to remove the displaced calcium crystals inside the ear with the help of surgical instruments to effectively treat your BPPV symptoms once & for all. 

The surgical approach is usually taken when all other BPPV treatment procedures fail, & your BPPV symptoms are getting worse overtime. 

Want to know more about BPPV, its signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, & prognosis? Visit

Whenever the migraine pain hits, the feeling is unbearable and most people try to do everything they can to make the pain a little easier and lighter. Many of them find some kind of comfort in lying down in a dark and quiet room because the light can really make a great impact on your senses at that time. Although the pain stays there for quite some time, is a least some kind of comfort, because in that time, any kind of comfort is already a relief. 

But it doesn’t means that this quest for a dark quiet place and some painkillers is the only way to fight migraine pains. There is medical help available too with the help of migraine doctors.
Migraine is a hard condition to treat given that many times it has some association with genetics and sometimes is just the chemical balance of the brain going through some changes, which means that it isn’t something that can be easily treated before a long evaluation of what is the specific cause of it and what is possible for the migraine specialist to do.

So here at the Ear and Vertigo Clinic in Jaipur we have a team of migraine doctors to help you fight these pains for your future days. It might be as simple as changing a few things in your diet or taking some time off work so that you can relax a little and sometimes it might require a treatment that is a little more complex, but nothing that our migraine specialists can’t handle. So get in touch with us if this is something that causes you nights or even weeks of pain and our migraine doctors will see exactly how they can help you.

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It is not an easy task to determine the most apt method for vertigo treatment. On a larger section, this happens because the symptoms and side-effects related to this problem vary at different levels. There can be several plausible causes for nausea, disorientation, and dizziness. Vertigo might or might not be the root cause of such problem. Even if the problem is diagnosed it might take doctors some more time to establish the angle from which it is being caused and watch over other complications that are causing it. Only when the condition is completely understood the right kind of vertigo treatment can be administered.

The patient might need to spend some time with doctor during which the later one works on determining the severity of problem and decide the course of action that needs to be taken. There are several methods through which drugs might be administered to patient depending on complications. The basic three methods that are usually applied on moderate level of this problem are IV, patch, and pills which help in stopping the feeling of movement that patient feels under this problem.

But in case, the inner ear of patient is infected by some bacteria or other infection, then doctors prefer to administer some heavy antibiotics for vertigo treatment. But if the patient is diagnosed with Meniere’s disease, the patient has to not only take lots of antibiotics but he or she might have to make considerable changes in its diet plan. Vertigo problems needs to be diagnosed and treated on time as any delays might bring upon damage and punctures in inner ear membrane. The only vertigo treatment under such condition is a surgery by an ENT specialist.

Vertigo is not only a physical problem; those who suffer for a prolonged period from this might have to go under therapies to get back to normal life. Usually people lose a sense of balance which is restored through vestibular rehabilitation techniques. The best way for vertigo treatment is to stay n touch with a genuine ENT specialist and avoid self-treatment. The doctors can help be recognizing early symptoms of the problem and help patients return to their normal lives.
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Migraines are a form of a vascular headache, which means it is related to functionality of blood vessels. Migraine headaches are caused by a combination of vasodilatation (enlargement of blood vessels) and the release of chemicals from nerve fibers that coil around the blood vessels. It is the enlargement of these blood vessels which cause the severe headaches and dizziness. In the course of a migraine, the temporal artery enlarges. This is the artery that lies on the outside of the skull bone right under the temple of the fore head. This enlargement causes a certain scratching or an itch in the surrounding nerves and causes them to release come chemicals, which in turn cause inflammation and pain.

This inflammation often happens periodically to those who suffer from migraine headaches. It can happen on one or both or either sides of your head. Migraine headaches are often accompanied with mild or aggressive dizziness which causes nausea and urge to throw up. The reason or causes of migraine headaches can be anything to everything and they vary in a large number. The most common causes of migraine headaches occurring in people are increased sensitivity of the eyes to light (photophobia) with visual disturbance and flashes (aura), increased sensitivity to sound (phonophobia), dizziness, blurred vision, cognitive disturbances, and other increased periods of exposure to anything that might desensitivise the cranial nerves.   

An ear, nose and throat doctor better known as an ENT doctor is someone who specializes in treating problems related to ear, nose and throat. To be more precise, and ENT doctor is a sub specialty focusing in the anatomy, physiology and the pathology of the ear, nose and throat areas. The ENT doctors are considered to be one of the oldest specialties in the history of medicine. In strictly medical terms they are known as, Otolaryngologist – The Head and Neck Surgeon. These doctors have advanced surgical training in everything related to the head and the neck region, which basically covers the head, neck and the throat.

Treating the major organs like the ear, nose and the throat requires ample amount of experience and skilled hands to operate while in a surgery. Dr. Anita Bhandari's clinic provides you with just the right amount of resources and facilities. Offering you great services of her highly skilled team of ENT doctors, Dr. Anita Bhandari's Vertigo and Ear clinic is your one solution to many problems related to ear, nose and throat. The problems treated here by the ENT doctors greatly vary from frequently recurring ear infections, inflammation of the ear, nose and throat and related areas, allergy and chronic tonsillitis, all types of thyroid, chronic sinusitis, dizziness, and hearing loss, parathyroid disease, to traumatic and cosmetic defects of the face and neck, head and neck cancer, skin cancer and obstructive sleep apnea.

At Dr. Anita Bhandari's Vertigo and ear clinic, the ENT doctors offer a generous hospitality of treating patients of all age groups and even the mildest of details are taken into notice.  Medical problems of the ear, nose, and throat affect all age groups - from little babies to the elderly; so the ENT doctors working at the clinics often have the privilege of treating a whole family's ear, nose, and throat issues. Be it your Baby's ear infections, or Brother's tonsillitis or Dad's allergy and Grandma's hearing loss. Their expertise covers a wide variety of different areas. Gaining their skill and expertise over a long period of rigorous training and practice, these ENT doctors will make you feel like home. Working under the supervised guidance of Dr. Anita Bhandari, these ENT doctors have cured many a number of patients suffering from ear, nose and throat problem. Offering the most modern equipments and technology for the surgery and even the examination of the patients, these ENT doctors working at Dr. Anita Bhandari's Vertigo and Ear clinic have brought smiles to the faces of many families and treated many patients; from babies to the elderly. With an exceptional environment and such a great team of doctors working together, this place is nothing but the healing home.

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Balance is important in every aspect of life. If you lose balance merely while walking, you can get hurt seriously. Same thing applies to different scenarios and thus, balance is required in every walk of life; both literally and figuratively.

Vertigo is an illness which causes dizziness and ultimately leads to Imbalance & other balance disorders. It’s the same illness that gives the person suffering from it, an illusion of swaying of the body while it is actually not moving with respect to the surrounding environment & it thus gives rise to the Motion sickness & problems like tinnitus, nausea & migraine. In other words, everything spins around giving you a mild headedness or sometimes even bigger problems like Migraine & motion sickness or dizziness, while all you have is vertigo and nothing is moving.

The outcome of all this false sensation of a spinning environment often ends up in vomiting and nausea, accompanied with headaches of all degrees ranging from mild one to migraine which can persists for long. Vertigo is caused when there is imbalance in the balance mechanism related to the inner ear which in turn co-ordinates with the nerves reaching out to the ear and the brain. As a result of the imbalance in mechanism, the human body experiences loss in equilibrium of body and brain causing wooziness, also tinnitus in the ear.

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