Vertigo and Ear clinic

Treating Migraine

Migraine is one such issue that causes attacks or episodes of headaches with inclusion of other symptoms such as feeling sick (nausea) or being sick (vomiting).  When we talk about headache, it is common problem which is faced by many. But migraine is not just a bad headache but is an extremely debilitating collection of neurological symptoms that usually leads to severe recurring intense throbbing pain on one side of the head. You may have migraines several times a month or much less often. Doctors diagnose migraine by analyzing the symptoms, conducting medical tests and eliminating other possible causes of the headache.

That’s why you need special help to deal with hearing, speech and migraine issues. One such first-rate experience of advanced mechanics in one can expect with ENT doctors and Migraine doctors at our ENT Hospitals in Jaipur to help in getting rid of these issues. With the goal in mind to provide optimum treatment in this regard, Dr. Anita Bhandari’s Vertigo and Ear Clinic was established. It is a place with fully trained specialists to help the patients of vertigo, hearing loss and related issues with care and proper treatment. So to treat these problems, the centers of Dr. Anita Bhandari's Vertigo and Ear Clinic are equipped with fully trained ENT specialists, ENT surgeons and speech therapists to help the patients in dealing with such issues with care and proper treatment.

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