Vertigo and Ear clinic

Treatment Of Dizziness

Dizziness or Vertigo is a feeling that you or your surroundings are moving when there is no actual movement. You may feel as though you are off balance, spinning, whirling, falling or tilting. When you have severe vertigo, you may feel very nauseated or vomit. You may have trouble walking or standing, and you may lose your balance and fall.

Although dizziness can occur in people of any age, it is more common among older adults. A fear of dizziness can cause older adults to limit their physical and social activities. Dizziness can also lead to falls and other injuries. 

Vertigo occurs when there is conflict between the signals sent to the brain by various balance-and position-sensing systems of the body. Your brain uses input from four sensory systems to maintain your sense of balance and orientation to your surroundings.  A portion of the inner ear called the labyrinth, which includes the semicircular canals, contains specialized cells that detect motion and changes in position. Injury to or diseases of the inner ear can send false signals to the brain indicating that the balance mechanism of the inner ear (labyrinth) detects motion. If these false signals conflict with signals from the other balance and positioning centers of the body, vertigo may occur.
Treatment of dizziness is possible. You need to visit a vertigo clinic near you. You can count on Vertigo And Ear Clinic for the best treatment for dizziness or vertigo. A neurotological evaluation encompasses an evaluation of functioning and co-ordination. The clinical tests which are done for evaluation of the balance or vestibular system include Video Frenzel for evaluation vestibulo-ocular reflex – spontaneous, pendulum, saccades, gaze induced nystagmus, head impulse test  and head shaking test. Electronystagmography (ENG) is an investigation to evaluate the vestibulo ocular reflex (VOR) which is involved in maintenance of balance. 
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