Vertigo and Ear clinic

Myths About Tinnitus

Tinnitus can be described as the sensation of sound heard by a patient. The sounds can be variously described as a buzzing, hissing & ringing, etc. This sound is defined as the conscious experience of sound that originates within the head of the listener, without any external source.
This sound sensation can be experienced in both ears, though often the patient is not sure about which ear the sound is coming from, & feels as though it is coming from the head.
The sound sensations arising out of tinnitus may vary in the type of sound, low & high pitches. It may be constant & intermittent or soft, loud or variable in intensity. 
Tinnitus is quite common, & is the most prevalent in older people. It is seen in both males & females, although males report more tinnitus cases overall.
Tinnitus is also associated with hearing loss, although it’s not always the case.
Read more about Tinnitus, its causes, diagnosis & treatment here. 

Tinnitus Causes:

There are many tinnitus causes. Some of the most common ones are:

Exposure to loud noise
Hearing loss related to old age or Presbyacusis
Wax inside the ear
Head injury or injury related to whiplash
Ear infections including Otitis media, secretory otitis, labyrinthitis
Certain drugs like aspirin, malaria-fighting drugs like quinine & chloroquine, antibiotics belonging to the mycin group- gentamycin & streptomycin, medications used in chemotherapy, & some diuretics, can cause a temporary or persistent Tinnitus
Medical conditions like hypertension, anemia, thyroid disorders & diabetes
Meniere’s disease
Cerebellopontine angle tumours like acoustic neuroma,
High caffeine intake
Alcohol consumption
Migraine headaches

For patients suffering from Tinnitus, it’s advisable that they undergo audiological & thorough medical evaluation to ascertain the cause of the disorder. 

There are multiple Tinnitus myths. With every patient that suffers from Tinnitus, there are many Tinnitus myths that they harbour. 
Most of these myths have their basis in the fact that a majority of people, including medical practitioners believe that tinnitus is untreatable, & that once you have it, you have to live with it forever. 

In this article, we are here to bust some popular myths around tinnitus, its causes & hearing loss among patients. Read on to know more.

Myth #1: There’s nothing you can do about Tinnitus!

Myth Bust: Many patients go to the doctor with complaints of ringing & buzzing in their ears but are turned away with the saying that there’s nothing that they can they do about it.  Most patients are told just to wait for it to go away on its own. 
However, this is a myth & there is a lot that you can do to treat & manage Tinnitus. 
Below are some proven ways to treat & manage Tinnitus. 

Tinnitus Sound Therapy: Sound is an important element in treating Tinnitus. Amplified sounds from hearing aids, environmental influences, music or noise generators can help minimize the effect from the constant ringing & buzzing in the patient’s ears. 

Ear Protection: Since exposure to loud noises is the leading cause of Tinnitus, earing ear protection masks & earbuds is a must for Tinnitus patients. 

Tinnitus Counseling: Assessment & counselling with an experienced healthcare professional trained in managing & treating Tinnitus in patients. Regular counselling & treatment can help patients live a healthy life & improve the quality of their life by treating tinnitus causes. The effects of Tinnitus can be lessened by a combination of counselling & treatment. 

 ZEN tones in hearing aid: ZEN tones have been known to give relief to Tinnitus patients. They work by amplifying environmental sounds & the sounds in nature to minimize the effect of ringing & buzzing in the patients’ ears. 

Relaxation exercises: Stress is known to increase the discomfort of Tinnitus patients. When you feel excessive discomfort, try destressing yourself by taking a walk, reading a book, watching TV, etc. 
Certain yoga postures also help to bring your stress levels down. 

Myth #2: Tinnitus is temporary & will go away on its own.

Myth Bust: Some forms of Tinnitus are temporary & are caused by sudden exposure to loud noise. Others, however, are more long-lasting & consist of recurring episodes. It’s important to remember that Tinnitus affects people in many different ways. According to the UK’s National Health Centre, ‘there are many sounds of Tinnitus’, including Mild Tinnitus, High-pitched Tinnitus, Low-frequency Tinnitus & Musical hallucinations. 
Some of these can & do last for a lifetime, albeit can be managed by different exercises & ear protection. 

Myth #3: Some pills can help cure Tinnitus.

Muth Bust: Some health companies will try to sell you a permanent cure for Tinnitus in the form of ‘magic’ pills. But medical science hasn’t yet gotten around to finding a cure for Tinnitus, so patients are advised not to fall for any of these scams. 

Myth #4: Tinnitus & Hearing Loss aren’t linked.

Myth Bust: Many Tinnitus patients will also experience Hearing Loss. A medical survey revealed that out of 123 patients, only one reported no hearing loss. The British Tinnitus Association states that around 90% of all Tinnitus patients experience hearing loss. 

Myth #5: If you don’t listen to loud music you won’t get Tinnitus.

Myth Bust: Loud exposure to music is just one cause of Tinnitus; there are several other causes. Even if you don’t listen to loud music, you might still get Tinnitus. 

If you’re experiencing ringing, buzzing, hissing in your ears, it’s advisable that you go for diagnosing & treating Tinnitus.