Vertigo and Ear clinic

Self Help Guidelines For Treating Tinnitus

Tinnitus, or ringing in ears, is a common problem that affects more than at least 20% of people all over the world. While tinnitus is not a health condition itself, it is a symptom of an underlying health condition such as any injury to the ear, hearing loss caused by old age, or some problem with the vestibular system.


When it comes to tinnitus treatment, the exact method of the treatment would depend on the cause of the tinnitus. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at some of the self-help guidelines and home therapies that can help you manage tinnitus.


Some self-help guidelines for treating tinnitus


It is important to note that only a qualified doctor can provide you with the best tinnitus treatment,   but the following tips can be useful to manage the symptom:


     If you’re experiencing ringing in ears, avoiding triggers that amplify the symptom can help a lot. Different people have different triggers for tinnitus including caffeinated drinks, salt, aspirin, and alcohol. It can be a good idea to identify the triggers that affect you and then actively avoiding them to prevent tinnitus.

     Quitting smoking can also help when it comes to tinnitus treatment. Smoking aggravates the symptom as nicotine acts as a stimulant and it also constricts the blood flow and affects the nerve cells that are responsible for hearing.

     Another self-help method of avoiding ringing in ears is using white noise to reduce the effect of the symptom. Tinnitus is often much worse when there is no background noise. A white noise machine is the best tool when it comes to this approach but you can also try other easily available sources of background noise such as playing soft music, turning on the radio, or even switching on a fan.

     Relaxation techniques also help significantly with tinnitus treatment. It is common for patients to experience tinnitus more intensely when they’re stressed and worried. By using relaxation techniques, you reduce the stress that you might be feeling. Some of the popular relaxation techniques to mitigate tinnitus include yoga, meditation, and self-hypnosis.

     Lastly, it is also important to take care of your general health in order to ensure your body is healthy and functioning normally. For example, it is a good idea to ensure you’re eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising enough to keep yourself in shape. Fatigue and bad health not only affects