Symptoms & Common Causes of Tinnitus

For many people, Tinnitus can get worse with increasing age whereas in some people tinnitus can improve with proper treatment. Understanding Tinnitus symptoms and to treat them, proper diagnosis is a must.
The diffusion of tinnitus is quite common in all age groups and is observed in both males and females. Sometimes its been considered hearing loss is associated with tinnitus but it is not always the case though.
Two types of Tinnitus
1. Subjective tinnitus
It is the most common type of Tinnitus that is usually found in patients where they can only hear the sound. It is caused by ear problems in the outer, middle or inner ear.
2. Objective tinnitus
In objective tinnitus, a sound is heard by a doctor, when he or she does an examination. This is a rare case of tinnitus. It may be caused by a blood vessel problem or muscle contractions in a patient.
Some common Tinnitus symptoms
Tinnitus is the sensation of sound in the ear when there is no sound in reality. Tinnitus symptoms may include some kind of noise in the ear whether it is a ringing sound, buzzing sound or a hissing sound. The pitch can vary from low to high and it can be heard in one or both the ears. In some patients, Tinnitus may be present all the time, and in some, it may come and go.
Causes of Tinnitus
There are various causes that lead to Tinnitus, a little protection can save you from such a condition without even affecting your ear. Some common causes of Tinnitus are:
1. The high pitch of voice.
2. Excessive exposure to loud music affects your eardrums.
3. Age-related hearing loss is one such cause of Tinnitus.
4. The wax that deposits in the ear can even lead to Tinnitus.
5. If you have suffered from any Ear infection such as Otitis media, secretory otitis, labyrinthitis it can lead to Tinnitus.
6. Tinnitus can even be caused by certain drugs and antibiotics like aspirin.
7. If a person is suffering from certain medical conditions like hypertension, anemia, thyroid disorders, and diabetes it can be one of the reasons in the advent of Tinnitus.
Most patients having Tinnitus thinks that it can't be cured and they have to live with it lifelong. Patients complaining of tinnitus should consult the right doctor and undergo a medical evaluation to quaere the cause for the right treatment.
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