How can you help someone with Multiple Sclerosis?
How can you help someone with Multiple Sclerosis?

If someone is suffering from Multiple Sclerosis it means there central nervous system is affected which is responsible for sending signals.
The central nervous system is affected by a demyelinating disease known as Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Multiple Sclerosis has an auto-immune origin. The central nerve is protected and covered by the myelin sheath which helps in facilitating nerve conduction. In multiple sclerosis, patients may experience myelin sheath of nerve fibers are attacked by the body's immune system. The damage caused to the protective cover of the nerve may result in the disruption of nerve signals. Patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis may experience several symptoms. You should advise your friend or family member who is experiencing symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis to seek medical help immediately to get the right treatment. An expert doctor will diagnose the disease closely asking you to undergo some tests. He may even seek your medical history for accurate diagnosis of the prevailing condition.
After examining your condition he would suggest the best treatment for Multiple Sclerosis suiting your condition which focuses on a speedy recovery and manage the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Mild symptoms of multiple sclerosis get resolved over time without any treatment whereas serious and persistent symptoms need to be treated on time.
Some common symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis
Patients suffering from multiple sclerosis may experience:
Unsteadiness or instability
Vertigo or spinning sensation
Blur vision or loss of vision
Clumsiness or difficulty in coordination
Slurring of speech or unclear speech
Cognitive problems for Eg. difficulty in concentration and changes in memory
Some common diagnostic test carried by the doctor to examine Multiple Sclerosis
Here is a list of some common tests to diagnose the disease accurately:

1. MRI of brain
Brain MRI is a common test to diagnose multiple sclerosis. It helps in detecting the presence of plaques. The stage of the disease is closely determined after examining the location of plaques.

2. Evoked potential tests
Stimulation of nerve pathways to map electrical activity within the brain. The evoked potentials used are visual, sensory and brainstem.

3. Spinal tap or lumbar puncture
This is done to check for auto-immune antibodies.

4. Videonystagmography (VNG)
This test uses infrared cameras to track eye movements during different tests. MS patients may present with various eye signs like spontaneous nystagmus, ocular flutter, difficulty in holding the gaze, hyperventilation-induced nystagmus and direction-changing nystagmus.
Treatments for multiple sclerosis
1.Self-injectable treatment
In self-injectable treatment, certain medicines prescribed by doctors such as Beta interferons, Glatiramer acetate, etc. are injected by an injection to the body. It can be practiced at home after the proper guidance of the doctor to inject safely beneath the skin or directly into the muscles. It helps in reducing the frequency and severity of the disease.
2. Infusion treatment
Infusion treatment can’t be practiced at home it needs proper clinical settings. Infusion medicines like Ocrelizumab (Ocrevus), Alemtuzumab (Lemtrada), Natalizumab (Tysabri), Mitoxantrone (Novantrone), etc. can not be taken at home. Your doctor will advise you on the pros and cons of infusion treatments before starting it. The dosage for infusion medication varies from person to person depending on the severity of the underlying cause.
3. Oral treatment
As the name suggests its the simplest treatment for easing the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. It is an easy option than injecting needles or visiting clinics. Taking a course of prescribed medicines daily works effectively in treating multiple sclerosis. Fingolimod (Gilenya), Dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera), Teriflunomide (Aubagio), Siponimod (Mayzent) are some of the common medicines prescribed by doctors to take regularly for treating the disease.
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