Vertigo and Ear clinic

Understanding Motion Sickness & its Treatment

Motion sickness is common and normal. Your brain senses movement by getting signals from your inner ears, eyes, muscles and joints. When it gets signals that do not match, you can get motion sickness. It usually occurs when you’re travelling by car, boat, plane, or train. Your body's sensory organs send mixed messages to your brain, causing dizziness, light-headedness, or nausea. Some describe their balance problem to ENT doctor in Jaipur by using the word vertigo. They often say that they or their surroundings are turning or spinning. Vertigo can also be triggered by problems in the inner ear.
Symptoms may include nausea, a vague feeling of abdominal discomfort, dizziness, headache, and fatigue usually develop. The face may become pale, and the person may be unable to concentrate, may feel sleepy, or may break into a cold sweat. Vomiting often occurs. Other symptoms may include increased saliva production, swallowing excessive air, and abnormally rapid, deep breathing Hyperventilation may cause faintness. Nausea and vomiting make the person feel weak. Prolonged vomiting can lead to low blood pressure and dehydration. However, symptoms tend to gradually subside when the motion stops or the person leaves the vehicle. Also, people who are on long trips, as on a ship, usually adapt to the motion and gradually recover. There are several medications available for motion sickness treatment. These medications are available in various forms, including oral tablets, rectal suppositories, and transdermal patches. Non-medicinal ways to reduce motion sickness include sitting where there is the least motion. If you are facing similar issues, these are all treated by ENT doctors and speech therapist in Jaipur.

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