Vertigo and Ear clinic

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Showing posts with label migrane treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label migrane treatment. Show all posts
Inputs from the eyes, inner ears and proprioceptive system maintains the balance system of our body. These three systems send signals to the brain for proper co-ordination and maintenance of balance. A neurotological evaluation encompasses an evaluation of functioning and co-ordination of these systems. Any disturbance in the harmonious and regular functioning of these systems is Balance Disorder and is diagnosed by our neurotological team.
The clinical tests which are done for evaluation of the balance or vestibular system include:
·         Video Frenzel for evaluation vestibulo-ocular reflex – spontaneous, pendulum, saccades, gaze induced nystagmus, head impulse test ,head shaking test;
  • Electronystagmography (ENG) - This is an investigation to evaluate the vestibulo ocular reflex (VOR) which is involved in maintenance of balance. Recording of the following tests are done to evaluate peripheral and central vestibular function:
    • Spontaneous nystagmus
    • Gaze evoked nystagmus
    • Saccades
    • Pendulum test
    • Optokinetic stimulation
    • Caloric stimulation
    • Fistula test
  • Craniocorpography with SLR camera - This is a test is evaluate the vestibulospinal reflex which is responsible for maintenance of balance during motion. We do various tests including:
    • Romberg test
    • Sharpened Romberg test
    • Tandem walking
Unterburger’s test - Pictorial reports are given to the patient. In Unterburger’s test, the following points are evaluated:
  • Displacement
  • Sway
  • Angle of deviation
  • Body axis spin

·         Evaluation of center of balance and maintenance of posture.
Vestibular exercises are essential to improve the compensation of the brain in recovering from disturbances in the balance system. This clinic is amongst the very few centers around the world where exercise programs are tailor-made to the requirements of each patient.
They have specialised services for patients of sudden hearing loss. Intratympanic injection [injection in the ear] is done in by a painless technique to improve hearing. Treatment of sudden hearing loss must be quick and effective and the final results becomes drastically poorer with time. The sooner treatment is started , the better is the final result to the hearing disorders.

 A migraine headache causes throbbing or pulsating pain, usually on only one side of the head. These headaches are often associated with nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound; they generally last between four hours and three days. Migraine treatment available here in vertigo and ear clinic is the best among all the other treatments available in other clinincs.

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