Vertigo and Ear clinic

Vertigo Treatment & Management

Various health issues are becoming a major concern for medical practitioners worldwide these days. And it’s no different for the medical practitioners here in Jaipur. One such health issue is Vertigo.  
Sometimes a minor condition like dizziness and a sensation of spinning can take a toll on health. In medical terms this is called Vertigo, if it happens in the absence of any movement. Vertigo is caused by underlying pathology in the ear, brain, or sensory nerve pathways. Anyone who suffers from this symptom should visit a vertigo specialist immediately. And get his/her check up done in a Vertigo diagnosis center in Jaipur, and seek consultation from a vertigo doctor in Jaipur. 

The dizziness caused by vertigo has any of these two causes - disturbance in either the balance organs of the inner ear, or parts of the brain or sensory nerve pathways. There are two types of vertigo- peripheral and central vertigo. Peripheral vertigo is a term that collects together the inner ear causes. Peripheral vertigo is caused because of a problem in the part of the inner ear that controls balance. These areas are called the vestibular labyrinth or semicircular canals. The problem may also involve the vestibular nerve. This is the nerve between the inner ear and the brain stem. 

Central vertigo is caused because of a problem in the brain, usually in the brain stem or the back part of the brain (cerebellum). Anyone who suffers from this condition must visit a vertigo clinic in Jaipur. Or see a vertigo specialist in Jaipur before the condition becomes more problematic. A vertigo doctor can test or examine you and accordingly start a treatment for you. 

The condition of vertigo can interfere with driving, work, and lifestyle. So, it’s highly recommended that if you are suffering from vertigo, visit a vertigo diagnosis center in Jaipur immediately.

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Vertigo and Dizziness | Causes and treatment of Dizziness

Nowadays, Vertigo or what we normally refer it to as ‘Chakkar’ is turning to be a common health issue for many people. In scientific terms, Vertigo is a spinning sensation which makes us feels as if our surrounding is endlessly revolving at a pretty obnoxious speed. Thus, vertigo leaves us with a sensation of dizziness. Hence, making us feel nauseated, gives blurred vision, false sense of motion and leads to the botheration of chest pain, vomiting, weak limbs and difficulty in catching breath. Where in some cases dizziness can occur once in a while due to weakness. However, a chronic problem of dizziness can be an alarming indication towards a serious problem. Some of the major causes of dizziness include weakened vision, improper blood supply to the brain, problems affecting the inner ear, a head injury, lightheadedness, anemia, migraine or even dehydration.

There are various remedies to temporarily treat the problem of dizziness. For an instance, proper intake of water and avoiding dehydration by all means, consumption of some useful roots and seeds such as ginger, coriander seeds, cumin seeds and nutmeg powder, Pumpkin seeds with almonds, etc. apart from these, substances like garlic, lemon, and basil are also expected to be a worthy of a cure for ‘Chakar’. However, the best treatment of dizziness can only be consulted by an experienced doctor. If dizziness has become a chronic problem to you, it is better to consult a doctor without any delay. It is so because, as we mentioned before, the reason behind chronic dizziness can be really harmful to your health. There are many renowned centers which can be consulted for the purpose of dizziness treatment in Jaipur. Don’t procrastinate your appointment with an expert doctor and get our dizziness treated.