Vertigo and Ear clinic


What is a middle ear infection?
Middle ear infection is synonymously also known as otitis media. These infections are caused when fluid build-up or inflammation takes places in the middle ear. The inflammation/fluid build-up takes place on the ear tissue including the eardrum and tissues behind it.
Fluid build-up or inflammation is caused due to a virus or bacterial infection but may also be caused without any viral/bacterial infection. Additionally, a fluid build-up can also take place after an ear infection has healed. In cases otherwise, a middle ear infection may also occur due to dysfunction or non-infectious blockage of the Eustachian tubes.
Middle ear infection conditions are most commonly observed among children but can also occur in adults.
What are the symptoms of a middle ear infection?
Middle ear infections can be caused due to a variety of reasons such as-
    Pain in the ear or an earache
    Difficulty in sleeping
    Yellow, clear, or blood discharge from the ears
    Hearing problem
    Temporary hearing loss
Can middle ear infections be contagious?
No. Middle ear infections are not contagious by nature. But, children may develop infections that follow through a cold/viral infection and in such cases middle ear infections can be contagious.
What are the available treatments for middle ear infections?
Middle ear infections can be treated in a variety of ways. Age, health and medical history are of significant importance before a doctor decides the treatment for the patient.
Treatment includes firstly waiting to see if the symptoms go away by themselves. If not, antibiotics are considered for treating the middle ear infection. Antibiotics reduce pain and fever. If a virus is causing the middle ear infection, then antibiotics will not be a cure to it. Antibiotics such as amoxicillin, ceftriaxone are common for treating the middle ear infection.
An ear tube (tympanostomy tube) can be placed inside the ear drain fluid from the middle ear. Flu vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine are the best ways to prevent middle ear infections.
Antibiotics must not be taken without a doctor’s approval by any means. Dosage and medicine must only be taken under doctoral guidance and prescription for safe treatment and good health.

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